Wednesday, June 24, 2015


In group we discussed forgiveness. I was told to forgive and empathize with those you need to forgive. This was my reaction. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Second set

Nadine, Eric, Jeremy 

First set of characters

So I think it would be a good idea to do a comic series with my life and those in it. It's not meant to be funny, just a way to express myself using both my drawing and words. So here are the first set of characters. It's going to be a challenge because I have to learn how to draw characters in many different positions and settings but luckily cartoons do not need to be perfect and characters can develop and change over time. 

Here is how me, Kieko, and Dennis will generally look throughout the series but things can obviously change. Coming up next will be Nadine, Jeremy, and Eric. After that is mom and dad. Then we'll go from there.

 (Unless something strikes me.)